Octree Based Rendering

Concept: Whole world octree subdivision down to the sub-pixel level.

The concept of using an hierquical system of bounding boxes to subdivide the world to form a system capable of partitioning the world as to query the objects present in 3-space is well known. However, we can increase the scope and magnitude of this idea by just assuming we can let this partitioning happen to deeper levels. Voxelization of surfaces is not very ameable to fast rendering, however, it can be the case that the faster pace of graphics boards will make this possibile in the near future. I wonder if this just more than a neat concept.

Ideas: We can use spheres to reduce bounding checks against the six planes of the standard bounding boxes: basically make it a compare at each level since we are going to go all the way down, the slight intersection of neighbouring sphere nodes (those that sit on the center of the boxes and have radious on the vertexes), will just be, a non issue to deal with.

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