Day 8
Today I spent the afternoon at work browsing model formats, MD2, MD3, OBJ, 3DS, there's a ton of them and for the most part nobody has a clue what's the better one. One is for sure, MD2's suck a bit but they have built in animation with morphing which is a good thing. I remember quake 1 and their nice wobbling models. Hah... Quake 1! :)
I got some nice sites for free MD2 models. I LOVE THESE ONES! THE BEST!
And last but not least, this gem:
PERFECT! I didn't know this! I can buy them if I want! Too bad most of them are MAX. I just need to see what I can do with the bones and all that. Do I need to create my own format? Golly! I could do it but it would take time.
Anyway, some nice finds and people talks about model formats.
At night, I downloaded an hand model to test and tried it to collide with newton physics.